Greierele si furnica – de Jean de la Fontaine
Petrecuse cu chitara
toata vara.
Insa iata ca-ntr-o zi
cand vifornita porni,
Greierele se trezi
fara musca, fara rama,
fara umbra de farama.
Ce sa faca?…Hai sa ceara
la Furnica, pan’ la vara,
niscai boabe de secara.
-“Pe cuvant de lighioana,
voi plati cinstit cucoana,
cu dobanzi, cu tot ce vrei!…”
Dar Furnica, harnica,
are un ponos al ei:
nu-i din fire darnica
si-i raspunde cam rastit:
-Asta-vara ce-ai patit?
-Daca nu e cu banat.
zi si noapte am cantat
pentru mine, pentru toti…
-„Joaca astazi daca poti!”
La Cigale et la Fourmi – de Jean de la Fontaine
La Cigale, ayant chante
Tout l’ete,
Se trouva fort depourvue
Quand la bise fut venue:
Pas un seul petit morceau
De mouche ou de vermisseau.
Elle alla crier famine
Chez la Fourmi sa voisine,
La priant de lui preter
Quelque grain pour subsister
Jusqu’a la saison nouvelle.
“Je vous paierai, lui dit-elle,
Avant l’Out, foi d’animal,
Interet et principal.”
La Fourmi n’est pas preteuse:
C’est la son moindre defaut.
Que faisiez-vous au temps chaud?
Dit-elle a cette emprunteuse.
– Nuit et jour a tout venant
Je chantais, ne vous deplaise.
– Vous chantiez? j’en suis fort aise.
Eh bien! dansez maintenant.
The Cicada and the Ant
The Cicada, having sung
All summer long,
Found herself wanting
When the north wind came.
Not a single morsel
Of fly or tiny worm.
She went begging for food
To her neighbour the Ant,
Asking her to lend her
Just a few grains to get by
Until the next season.
“I will pay you back, she said,
Before August, animal’s honor,
Interest and principal.”
The Ant is no lender:
This is the least of her faults.
“What were you doing during the warm days?
She said to this borrower.
-Night and day no matter what
I was singing, like it or not.
-You were singing? I’m very glad:
Very well, start dancing now.”
Jean de La Fontaine a fost unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti fabulisti ai secolului al XVII-lea. S-a nascut pe 8 iulie in regiunea Champange, intr-o familie de burghezi.